Examples for Use Case: Control which layers are currently visible & which can be hidden by the user

The examples below use supplementary tile layers that show maps of stream courses in the Mississippi delta area, produced by Harold N. Fisk for the Presidential Mississippi River Commission, 1944. The maps included in the report are in the public domain. The maps used here are the four sheets of plate 15 of the report. An example of the TileJSON representation of the map is:

      "tilejson": "2.2.0",
      "name": "Mississippi Stream Courses sheet 4 - Harold Fisk, US Army Corps of Engineers",
      "attribution": "Presidential Mississippi River Commission, 1944. Public Domain.",
      "scheme": "tms",
      "tiles": [
      "bounds": [-92.60431421311640, 28.79036396296392, -88.72531489137181, 31.04551669046586],
      "minzoom": 6,
      "maxzoom": 12
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Google Maps embed


OpenStreetMap embed


Bing Maps embed


MapBox Studio embed


Leaflet.js with OpenStreetMap tiles

OpenLayers with OpenStreetMap tiles

Google Maps API

Bing Maps Control API

MapKit JS (Apple Maps) API


MapBox GL

TomTom Maps SDK for Web with vector maps


D3 Geographies APIs
